Talisman is hiring Web3 Product Marketer

Product Marketer


Minimum 1 Year

Employee type

Full Time



Offer Salary

$40,000 - $70,000

Desired Qualifications

  • Personal Twitter account with a substantial following, or moderator of a significant community or subreddit reflecting your competence and capability in leveraging social media platforms effectively.
  • Substantial experience working at or contributing to a previous crypto project reflecting your understanding of the cultural context or lesser known realities of the industry.
  • Capability to create basic motion graphics or video for use as social media assets.
  • Fluency in languages other than English.
  • Experience programming or building simple web applications for any purpose.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Collaborate closely with our designer to create captivating content for various social media platforms including Discord, Reddit (RIP), and in especially Twitter.
  • Utilize creative tools, such as Figma, to produce visually appealing assets that effectively communicate key messages and resonate with our target audience.
  • Craft concise, persuasive copy for social media posts, maintaining brand consistency and adhering to our marketing guidelines.
  • Generate interest and encourage engagement by creating relevant and insightful Twitter threads.
  • Maintain a nuanced awareness of the current thing, identifying opportunities to insert Talisman into the narrative.
  • Monitor social media channels, help a customer or two, and be kind online.
  • Collaborate closely with the Head of Product to fully grasp the technical aspects and unique value propositions of our new features, ensuring accurate and compelling messaging.

Salary & Benefits

Part time 20 Hours per week with opportunity for full time in the future. Annual salary range 40-70k USD (Pro Rata) You’ll need to be able to work with our designer in Portugal and our Head of Product who is between Europe and Asia

COMPENSATION $40K – $70K The option of getting paid in digital currency The option of receiving your pay every second in a stream

JOB TYPE Contract, Freelance, Part-Time

Our Company

Talisman is a non-custodial wallet that was founded in 2021 by Australian crypto veterans with a combined two decades of experience in the industry. We are an early-stage project born in the Polkadot ecosystem (also known as the Polkadot Paraverse) that is focused on the fundamentals, such as talking to users and building to fulfil their needs. Our goal is to pioneer user experience and design language for the multi-chain world, and make it easy for anyone to become self-sovereign and master web3. We embrace decentralisation and operate as a fully remote team. We also work closely with our community, who use and love Talisman, test out new features, promote us, and support our users in our Discord server.


Share with us your details, resume, and relevant experience via the job application form here: https://airtable.com/shrTkIf7nWTGGCqUm (Optional) Print out the Talisman.xyz website on A4 paper and sleep with it under your pillow for 28 days

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